Monday 12 December 2016

I started the week off at Ascot sales where we sold Airpur Debois and our unbeaten hurdler Chief Bottlewasher. We didn't so much as sell them we more or less gave them away but I suppose that was their true value . I am in a very unusual position right now and one I don't think I've ever been in before and that is that I don't owe the sales companies any money as we speak so I must put that to rights.
I went to the dentist on Wednesday for a filling which cost me £240 and left thinking how can you spend so much money to be put through so much pain!
I have ridden two lots out most days last week but rode Apalis on Friday who spends most of the morning bucking.On the way back to the yard I felt my back go and found it difficult to get off the horse.I got straight into my hot tub and in 20 minutes felt like Rudolph Nureyev. Normally I use the hot tub at night and feel great when I get out but never really know whether that is because of the water or the half bottle of Sancerre that I have just got down me!
We had a very good boys dinner at mine on Saturday where we put the world to right and discussed the finer things in life.
It was a quiet week last week runners wise but we will hopefully run a few this week.

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